Join FSVFolks 
(or update member information)
Membership is limited to past workers (any company) at FSV, their spouses, and their immediate family.
Click ERASE to erase the form and start over.  Click SUBMIT to send information.
Then, dismiss ( X ) this page to go back!   ...and THANKS

Need help?  E-mail [email protected] or [email protected]

I need to:
Send Newsletters and Bulletins to: 
Do you want your e-mail address listed on the email address list page:
This section is required for all requests!
Contact information for the directory.  
Work Information to be listed in the directory:
FSV Information.  When did you work at the "Fort" and for who, what did you do.  Or, who are you related to and how are you related.  This will help us identify you and speed up your path to membership.
Please make your selections in the boxes below.  You can always change things later, just keep in touch with us.  (The directory and email address page are both password protected so only members will see your information.)
May we list your information in the online directory (select from dropdown): 
Click the "Submit" button below and you should hear from FSV Folks within a day or two to confirm changes or additions.  Thank You.
Last Name ( Required )
First Name ( Required )
Primary E-Mail Address ( Required )
Street  Address
State or Country
Zip or Mailing code
Work E-Mail
Children and year of birth
Spouse's Name
Current Employer
Job Title
Work Phone
MORE INFO:  Positions you held at FSV, or anything you'd like added to your directory listing (may be as long as you wish).  Add any special instructions, requests, suggestions or comments here. 
Years I worked at FSV (from-to):
Company (s) I worked for at FSV (PSC, GA, Ebasco, etc):
Primary Phone Number ( Required )
FSVFolks content is solely intended for its members enjoyment and historical value, nothing is for sale. It is funded by its members and is not affilated with Xcel Energy, the current owners of Fort St. Vrain. Please understand that images and other content within our websites could be taken out of context and become an embarrassment or security concern for Xcel Energy or its contractors. This immediately becomes a serious problem for us. Therefore, we ask all our members to agree not to share links to, nor provide materials from, our websites with other than immediate family members!
Agree Disagree